Drivers Digiboard

The drivers are for the Intelligents boards and are located in /etc/digi/?????bin if you are using the non intelligent boards, you can use the drivers from the kernel, and follow the instructions you referred abobe for my part i allways used the intelligent boards ex: PC/16e (note the 'e') and i did it with the digiboard provided drivers. Lots of little fixes, some minor library updates - see commit log for specifics. Better compatibility with 1.6.7+ (but using Arduino 1.6.5r2 or earlier is highly recommended!).

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Driver Digiboard


Working With DigiBoards


GroupWise 4.1 ASYNC Gateway for NLM

Novell GroupWise 4.1

Novell GroupWise 5.0

Drivers Digiboard

Novell GroupWise 5.1

Driver digiboard nm70-i

Novell GroupWise 5.2

Novell GroupWise 5.5


The purpose of this document is to familiarize the reader with multi-port communication boards, most commonly DigiBoards, and how they work with the GroupWise Async Gateway. This document contains general features and components of DigiBoards, DigiBoard configuration for DOS and GroupWise Async, suggested settings within GroupWise Admin, common troubleshooting problems, DigiBoard configurations on a NetWare File Server and AIOTERM
techniques for troubleshooting.


DigiBoards in General
When you run the Async gateway with a single modem, you usually plug the modem into a serial cable that is connected to a serial port on your computer. You can add an extra modem to this machine by plugging in another serial cable to the other serial port. Most computers come with a communication board that supports two serial ports and one parallel port. As such, without having to buy any special hardware, you can expand your Async gateway to two modems.
However, when you need to get more than two modems on the Async gateway, a multi-port communication board is required. Like a basic communication board, a multi-port communication board is simply an expansion card that includes a set of integrated circuits. Unlike a basic communication board, a multi-port communication board provides support for serial communication only, and it has an expanded serial interface port.
Digi International is the most popular manufacturer of multi-port communication boards, and they have a huge line of
products, collectively called 'DigiBoards'. Specific products are typically called 'DigiCHANNEL'. Their product lines include ISA, EISA, and Microchannel architecture expansion cards. Specific models are Xe, Xi, and Xem. The last two models are loosely considered 'intelligent' DigiBoards, since most of the hardware settings can be software configured. The 'X' in the model number represents a generic number of ports. A specific DigiBoard might be the DigiCHANNEL PC/16em, which would be a 16 port, intelligent DigiBoard with an ISA architecture.
When plugged into the computer, a DigiBoard allows X number of modems to be hooked up directly to that machine. DigiBoards are typically used with GroupWise to allow 4, 8, or 16 modems to connect directly to a single Async gateway machine. This number can be expanded to 32 on the NLM and OS/2 platforms if an extra 16 port DigiBoard is installed in the Async gateway machine (the DOS Async gateway only supports up to 8 ports per Communication Server).
The following table shows which DigiBoards are supported by
various GroupWise Async Gateways:
Async Gateways That Support It
DOS, OS/2, and NLM
OS/2, and NLM
DOS, OS/2, and NLM
OS/2, and NLM
For more information about DigiBoards, including product details, pricing, and ordering information, contact Digi
International directly at Eden Prairie, MN, (612) 943-9020.
Configuring DigiBoards In DOS
1. The DOS DigiBoard driver is called XIDOS5.SYS, and it is loaded in the CONFIG.SYS.
2. XIDOS5.SYS is configured using a utility called XIDOSCFG.EXE. When you run it, the following screen displays:
Board Type Window Memory I/O IRQ # Brd
Start Driver
# Size Window Port # Chnls
Chnl# Support
1 PC/Xe 64k D0000h 0200 0 8 1
Configuration Selections : Use Arrow Keys < >
Q)uit C)hannel Parameters O)ptions A)dd Board R)emove Board
Enter Selection :
3. Parameters should be set as follows, to work effectively with the GroupWise DOS Async Gateway:
a. Board # Enter 1, unless you are configuring a second
DigiBoard in the same machine.
b. Type Select the type of DigiBoard being installed.
c. Window Size GroupWise requires this to be set to 64k.
d. Memory Window Select a Memory Window. A0000h and D0000h are the most commonly available addresses.
e. I/O Port Select an available I/O Port. Ports 200 and 320 are most commonly available. Be sure these don't conflict
with other devices being loaded into memory.
f. IRQ # GroupWise requires this to be Disabled. It appears as '0' after 'Disabled' is selected.
g. # Brd Chnls Enter the number of ports supported by the
DigiBoard. This is usually 4, 8, or 16.
h. Start Chnl # Set this to '1'.
i. Driver Support Leave this setting at default, which is
Both. It appears as 'DOS/EBIOS' when Both is selected.
4. Channel Parameters for the DigiBoard must also be configured
differently than defaults. When you get into C)hannel Parameters
for the first time, this is what you see (NOTE: The settings
below are NOT what GroupWise requires. See Step 5 for the
settings GroupWise requires.):
1 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM5
2 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM6
3 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM7
4 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM8
5 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM9
6 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM10
7 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM11
8 9600 8,N,1 NONE DSR/CTS COM12
5. Adjust Channel 1 settings so that:
a. RX/Flow = RTS
b. TX/Flow = CTS
c. GroupWise will have problems interacting with the DigiBoard if anything other than RTS and CTS are enabled. DO NOT enabled DTR or DSR.
d. The Baud rate should not be changed. Even if your modems support a higher baud rate. This setting will not affect the actual port speed, as that will be configured in the GroupWise Admin utility (AD.EXE).
e. When you've completed configuring Channel 1, use the 'S)et All' feature to quickly modify the rest of the channels to match.
6. Exit the DigiCHANNEL CONFIGURATION program, and be sure to save changes. This will place the necessary DEVICE=XIDOS5.SYS statement in your CONFIG.SYS file.
7. Reboot the machine. If the DigiBoard is installed successfully, and there are no hardware conflicts, it will report
'Installation successful'.
8. You will need to update the expanded memory manager to exclude the memory range you selected for the DigiBoard. For example, if you set the Memory Window in the DigiCHANNEL CONFIGURATION program to be D0000h, you need to modify your CONFIG.SYS to look like the following:
9. Reboot the machine. The machine should be ready to run the GroupWise Async gateway with the DigiBoard.
10. The following settings need to be enabled in GroupWise Admin (AD.EXE) in order to configure the DOS Async Gateway to work with a DigiBoard:
a. Set the Port Type to 'Digi 1'. This is found in 'Port/Modem Setup' (Gateway Information | Specific |
Communication Server Setup | Edit | Ports/Modems | Port Type).
b. When you select 'Digi 1' for the Port Type, Admin will prompt you for the following:
i. Memory Window Set this to the Memory Window configured for the DigiBoard (i.e., D000, A000).
ii. I/O Port Set this to the I/O Port configured for the DigiBoard (i.e., 200, 320, etc.).
iii. NOTE: GroupWise uses only four digits (ex. D000) to represent the Memory Window, instead of five digits (ex. D0000), like the DigiCHANNEL CONFIGURATION program. You MUST enter only four digits here or the Gateway will not function properly!
c. After setting the Port Type, simply create however many port definitions you need. Observe the following guidelines when defining a port definition:
i. Select the appropriate modem definition.
ii. Select the port based on the channel number. For example, select COM1 for the modem hooked up to Channel 1 of the DigiBoard, COM8 for the modem hooked up to Channel 8 of the DigiBoard, etc.
iii. DO NOT modify the default IRQ and Port settings for any of the ports.
iv. Set the Baud Rate to the speed appropriate to your modem (i.e., 19200 for 14,400 modems, 38,400 for 28,800 modems, etc.).
d. Select 'OK' or 'Close' to save settings as you exit.
11. Start the GroupWise Async Communication Server as you would normally.
Troubleshooting Hints
After all of that, it's not difficult to see that problems can easily arise in the configuration. It can admittedly be
frustrating when trying to get all of these components working well together, but remember that it does work, and it has been tested extensively. The following guidelines may help resolve problems that arise.
Window Size The most common problem with the GroupWise DOS Async Gateway and DigiBoards is that a 64k memory window is not being configured, or the window is not really available. Symptoms of this are that everything seems to start correctly, but one or more modems will not reset or initialize when the Async Communication Server runs.
Boot vanilla -- no CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT -- and use DIGIMMAP.EXE to find a 64k memory window that is completely free. That is, in DIGIMMAP, two consecutive rows of 'A's. Once you find the range (there may be more than one) be sure to exclude that range in EMM386, as suggested in Step 8 above.
Memory Window Another common error is setting the 'Memory Window' for the Digi 1 Port Type in GroupWise Admin to '64'. The notion is that the 'Memory Window' is the size of the window, when it is actually the starting address for the memory window (i.e., A000, B000, D000, etc.).
Please note that the Digiboard Configuration utility (XIDOSCFG.EXE) sets this as a five digit number (i.e., D0000,
A0000, etc). GroupWise expects the number to contain only four digits (i.e. D000, A000, etc.), but it doesn't do any validation checking. Please be aware that the two configurations, although they are not consistent in their requirements, are in fact talking about the same thing, but that you MUST set the value as a four digit number in GroupWise, or the gateway will not function properly with the Digiboard.
IRQ Problems GroupWise requires the IRQ # in the DigiCHANNEL CONFIGURATION to be set to 0 (Disabled). GroupWise will communicate with the DigiBoard driver via the Memory Window and I/O Port, not through the hardware interrupt. If the IRQ # is set to something other than 0, XIDOS5.SYS may load successfully, but GroupWise Async will have difficulty initializing ports, and may cause locking problems.
Flow Control GroupWise requires the RX Flow, in Channel Parameters of the DigiCHANNEL CONFIGURATION, to be set to RTS. The TX Flow must be CTS. If flow control is set to anything else, garbage on the screen, lock ups, and modem initialization failures are the result.
Using TESTDIGI.EXE to Troubleshoot DigiBoard Problems
Sometimes, despite best efforts to configure a DigiBoard to work with GroupWise, it doesn't work. At this point, it is useful to discern whether the problem is in the DigiBoard configuration, or in the GroupWise Async gateway configuration. For this reason, the GroupWise Async Gateway for DOS ships with a utility called TESTDIGI.EXE.
TESTDIGI.EXE is a very simple communication program that offers dumb terminal communication only. You can use it to test modem settings, and to ensure that the DigiBoard communication is properly configured. The following outlines how TESTDIGI.EXE is used.
1. In the Async gateway directory, run TESTDIGI with the appropriate parameters. All parameters are required.
TESTDIGI.EXE <Mem_Window> <IO_Port> <Chanl#> <Baud> <Parity> <Start_Bit> <Stop_Bit>
For example:
TESTDIGI D000 320 1 19200 N 8 1
2. If TESTDIGI loads correctly, it will report the RX settings, the TX settings, the port number, and 'Press F7 to exit'.
3. You can now enter AT commands to the modem. For example, type:
Active Profile ..
4. If communication is open to the modem, the RX or RD light on the modem will flash as each key is typed. This indicates that the modem is receiving data from the computer.
5. If the modem understands the command and can execute it, it will return 'OK.' If you do not see 'OK' on the screen after pressing <enter>, then either the wrong settings were given to run TESTDIGI, or the DigiBoard is not configured correctly.
6. The most common reasons that no data will be returned to the computer are
a. the memory window is too small (8k instead of 64k). This can also cause TESTDIGI to lock the computer upon execution.
b. the memory window is not totally available (run DIGIMMAP to confirm).
c. an IRQ # was enabled.
7. If the DigiBoard is configured properly for use with GroupWise, and the correct parameters were fed to TESTDIGI, the
modem will respond with 'OK' for valid commands entered.
8. It is a good idea, when testing a DigiBoard configuration, to test more than just the first channel. Sometimes the first
channel may work well, but other channels may not. This would also be indicative of a memory window problem.
Configuring DigiBoards on a NetWare File Server
Fortunately, configuring DigiBoards for NetWare file servers is a little easier. The concept for running a DigiBoard on a
NetWare file server is that you load the basic asynchronous input/output services (AIO), and then load the communications
NOTE: The GroupWise Async Gateway for NLM will only work with the Xi and Xem DigiBoards. The Xe models are not supported.
The most difficult thing about configuring a DigiBoard for use with GroupWise Async Gateway for NLM, is getting the correct information from NetWare so that the correct settings can be fed to the GroupWise Admin program. Here's how to do it:
1. Be sure to copy all Digi AIO drivers to the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the file server. These may include some of the
following files (varies depending on which board is used):
2. From the NetWare file server console prompt (or from RCONSOLE), load the NetWare Asynchronous Input/Output module:
NOTE: AIO.NLM and AIOCOMX.NLM both come standard with any version of NetWare -- 3.11, 3.12, and 4.1. If it didn't get installed, consult the NetWare documentation.
3. From the NetWare file server console, load the DigiBoard driver specific to your DigiBoard with the appropriate parameters. For example, if you are using a PC/Xi,
LOAD AIODGXI port=320 mem=D0000
4. The driver first auto-loads AIODGMEM.NLM (the Digi Memory Manager). Then it will load itself. The Digi AIO driver will
report 'Successfully installed' if it loads without difficulty. Most of the errors that the Digi driver will report are self
evident, and therefore will not be covered in this document.
5. GroupWise requires the Hardware Type number, the Board Number, and the Port Number in order to configure the Async Gateway for NLM. Unfortunately, the Digi AIO drivers don't always report these figures. We recommend an in-house utility for obtaining that information. It is called AIOTERM.NLM. It is available free of charge for download from the following locations:
Novell BBS (801) 221-5197
No special userid or password required.
Novell World-Wide-Web Home Page
GroupWare RDS Document 283
In all locations the filename is AIOTRM.EXE, which is a
self-extracting compressed file. Upon execution, AIOTRM.EXE will
produce the file AIOTERM.NLM, which is the actual utility.
6. Run AIOTERM as follows:
7. When AIOTERM loads, it gives you a screen that might look
like this:
AIO Driver and Board Load Info
Driver_Type=105: 'NetWare AIO Digi International Intelligent Driver v 1.11A'
Board_Number=0006: Ports_Supported=008 Name='DigiXi06'
<End of List>
Driver hardware type <<esc> aborts>?
8. AIOTERM provides you with all the information you need in this first screen. In this case, the Hardware Type is 105
('Driver_Type). The Board Number is 6. The Port Numbers are 0 - 7 (because there are a total of 8 'Ports_Supported').
9. In GroupWise Admin, in Gateway Specific Settings, go to Ports. Create a port, and enter the following data:
a. Serial Port Give the port any name you like. COM1 - COM8 is fine.
b. Modem Definition Select the appropriate modem
c. Port Parameters Select the appropriate port speed, parity, start and stop bits. Flow Control MUST be CTS/RTS.
d. Hardware Type Enter the hardware type reported by AIOTERM (Driver_Type). This is a number.
e. Board Number Enter the board number reported by AIOTERM.
f. Port Number Enter the port number (base 0) reported by AIOTERM. For example, Channel 1 will be Port 0.
10. Define additional ports as necessary. Note that the 'Serial Port' is simply a label, for ease of identification by
the administrator. It bears no correlation to the actual port number specified. We could just as easily call the first port
'Mickey' and set it to Port Number 4 (which would correspond to Channel 5 on the DigiBoard).
11. Run the GroupWise Async Gateway for NLM as you would normally.
Troubleshooting DigiBoard Problems in GroupWise Async for NLM
The most common problem that customers experience in running DigiBoards with the GroupWise Async Gateway NLM is:
Initialization The ports never initialize in Async. After loading, go to Ports by selecting F10, then F9. Frequently
customers will see that some or all ports are forever 'Initializing', and never 'Idle.' This is almost always a configuration problem in Admin.
Carefully review Steps 6 - 9 above. However, if you are confident the Digi AIO drivers are configured correctly, and that
the correct settings were entered in GroupWise Admin, you can use AIOTERM to troubleshoot the problem further.
Using AIOTERM to Troubleshoot
When you run AIOTERM, it prompts you for all necessary information, while at the same time, showing you exactly what you CAN type in:
AIO Driver and Board Load Info
Driver_Type=105: 'NetWare AIO Digi International Intelligent Driver v 1.11A'
Board_Number=0006: Ports_Supported=008 Name='DigiXi06'
<End of List>
Driver hardware type <<esc> aborts>? 105
Board number (<esc> aborts)? 6
Zero-based port number (<esc> aborts)? 0
Driver/board/port values correct (y/n)? y
When all the values are correct, you are taken to the following menu:
| Acquired Port Test Menu |
| 1) Really Dumb Terminal Mode |
| 2) AIOGetPortCapability() |
| 3) AIOGetPortConfiguration() |
| 4) AIOGetFirstPortInfo() |
| 5) AIOGetPortStatistics() |
| 6) Return to top screen |
| (select a number ) |
As you can see, this program was written to provide a wide range of information, most of which will be useful only to programmers. However, the 'Really Dumb Terminal Mode' can be very useful for troubleshooting. Selecting 1 takes you to a screen like the following:
| Any keyboard activity will be written to the port, but not echoes to |
| the screen. The screen will only show characters received from the |
| port (if you don't see anything try typing ATE1<enter>). |
The <escape> key will return you back to the main menu.
USRobotics Courier 16800 HST Dual Standard Settings ..
B0 C1 E1 F1
The above is a sample dialog between the 'Really Dumb Terminal' and the modem (in this case a USRobotics Courier 16800 HST Dual Standard modem was used -- the dialog may differ on other modems). It demonstrates normal behavior when the DigiBoard is configured correctly to work with GroupWise.
If you get nothing back, even after entering 'ATE1', this would most likely indicate a problem with the DigiBoard hardware or Digi AIO drivers.


Document Title:Working With DigiBoards
Document ID:10007735
Solution ID:1.0.326150.1821005
Creation Date:15Oct1998
Modified Date:07May2003
Novell Product Class:Groupware


Drivers Digiboard

The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.
Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.

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